2024 Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa AAS Golf Hole Sponsorship
7/1/2024 - 8/30/2024
Hole Sponsorships are available for the 34th Annual Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Adopt-A-School Golf Tournament, West Alabama's premier business golf tournament. This annual event is held at Ol' Colony Golf Complex. Over 150 golfers network on this beautiful golf course with Chamber members, elected officials, community leaders, and potential clients.
Hole Sponsorship includes
- Signage with company name on a hole
- Recognition in golf flyer
- Recognition in post-tournament recap
Sign up today! Deadline is September 6th.
Ol' Colony Golf Complex
401 Old Colony Rd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 United States
401 Old Colony Rd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 United States
7/1/2024 - 8/30/2024
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